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12.12.2008:... How to break the economic logjam...

Inspired by this article ... plus some of my prior suggestions...

Jawbone the banking community into acting quickly to renegotiate mortgage loans to qualified but marginal homeowners to lower the interest rates and/or extend the lengths of at-risk mortgages.

From the link... "In addition, consumers could soon benefit from three indirect sources of relief: lower mortgage rates, lower energy costs, and tax relief in the form of new stimulus packages. This relief could amount to hundreds of billions of freed dollars for consumers in 2009 and would have an effect long before most government action could. "

So if you were to promote or advertise the banks that had, for example, "modified the most loans" and perhaps with Congress' help, provided those banks with added liquidity on a "fast-track" basis, the carrots would be in place to get the systems moving more quickly more quickly.