The Helios Project    rev.10.23.2007 Back to Lessons

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First, the underlying conditions and needs:

We need to begin to think of an investment for our nation's future and the success and economic health and well-being of everyone on the planet.

What is needed now is to have the vision to see that a world-wide system would have far-reaching benefits for all countries.

Many challenges must be overcome, similar to those overcome during the planning and construction of an Interstate Highway System, but on a much larger scale:

The need for this kind of solution is nearly self-evident, but it will take a large mind-set shift for people to seriously consider the implementation of it. It will cost huge sums of money. The benefits of power distribution to communities, cities and states and the lowering of costs for everyone is just the start.

Please give it some consideration.

Other Considerations and Ideas...

First rev: 10.23.2007