About Car Pool [a.k.a. HOV] Lanes. rev. 11.15.2008 | Back to Lessons |
Excerpt from this link,
As most any big city commuter can attest, that really hasn't happened. In the rush to engineer behavior and foster environmentally friendly travel habits, planners forgot to take into account the hassles of coordinating schedules, the rather apparent observation that people who work together aren't all that likely to live close to one another, and the important psychological aspects of commuting - many people simply enjoy the cathartic "alone time" that comes with a solitary drive to work.
According to the office of California State Senator Tom McClintock, who's fighting to eliminate HOV lanes in the Golden State, the typical "diamond" lane consumes 25% of the roadway, but carries just 7% of the traffic. Consequently, 93% of the remaining traffic is confined to just 75% of the pavement.
A 1998 Gannet poll found just 4% of respondents agreed with the statement "HOV lanes work." Just 17% said they "use HOV lanes often," and 57% said they use them "almost never."
In 1997, workers on New Jersey's Route 80 forgot to reinstall the highway's HOV lanes after completing a construction project. New Jersey motorists quickly filled the lanes and reveled in quicker commute times. When the NJ DOT realized its mistake and reinstituted the restrictions, New Jersey motorists revolted.
Epiphany, 6:10 pm, 08.28.2003, driving down highway 85, southbound in rush hour traffic, near Camden Avenue, here in California:
When the Car pool Lane [the #1, or leftmost lane] is nearly empty, or has a few cars going at the posted limit or above, and the number 2 and 3 lanes are at a complete, dead stop, there is a very important message to be learned.
Car pool Lanes are a Religious Issue, not a Scientific or Economic or Ecological issue.
When two lanes of cars are moving at near-zero speed and the HOV lane is moving at the limit with an extremely light load, the HOV lane has clearly and completely been demonstrated to be a failure.
Why? Because the other two lanes aren't moving!
When a lane is created that causes other traffic to stop and is illegal for those same cars to use, you have created a self-defining failure of a system.
It is not logical or scientific or rational to create a system that establishes a lane that non-moving cars can not use. It can only be justified based on religious fervor: "I believe it is good, therefore it is good, despite visible proof to the contrary.
Given the scenario of motionless cars next to empty lanes, one can not have a discussion about maintaining the fiction of the value of car pool lanes. It's a religious argument, which, by definition, can have no end. "My belief is right!"; "No, MY belief is right!" is the way the "discussion" goes, and it goes nowhere.
Until promoters of car pool lanes admit that it's a religious and not a logical issue, this stupidity will not be removed from our lives and will traffic will not be allowed to move more freely on the highways we've paid for and are not permitted to use.
More about Car Pool Lanes......
Check out Highway 280 in California, between San Jose and Palo Alto. Or Route 85, running between 280 and 101.
Yep. Same hours, both ways. Yet it only really matters in one direction in the AM and the other direction in the PM.
I guess the signs are cheaper if they're all the same, and not ordered in pairs with different hours on them....
First Rev: 04.04.2004
How did this come about?
First, a look at the Basic Premise: Car pool lanes will get cars off the road.
Insanity in California..... "What constitutes a passenger in a Car pool-lane car"?
Here's where the brains go "out the door...."
I've watched the problem grow in California for over 20 years, and seen some solutions just waiting to be recognized....
Have you ever driven on a highway where the HOV/Car pool Lane "Hours of Operation" are the same in both directions? Even though most of the commute traffic goes one way in the morning and the opposite way in the afternoon?